Tenjin Festival

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Near: Umeda  (Event is Free)

Event Date(s): Jul. 23, 2024 Jul. 24, 2024
Dates are subject to change without notice. Check with the official organizers before making travel arrangements.

Tenjin Festival: Wikimedia Commons

One of the three largest festivals in Japan the Tenjin Festival (in Japanese; Tenjin Matsuri, 天神祭) is in Osaka in July.  The festival has a history of over one thousand years and is held at the "Tenmangu Shrine" (大阪天満宮) which is dedicated to Sugawara No Michizane (845-903), the patron god of learning and art. Since this festival celebrates the diety of "art", there is tons of music, dance and just plain fun!  Theatrical performances, puppets, singing... you name a performing art and it's going on somewhere.  The whole city of Osaka practically turns into one big party!

Tenjin Festival: Wikipedia-ja

One of the "Main Events" is a parade on land which usually thousands of people are part of.  People dressed in acient dress parade through the street.  Then there is the boat parade which pass through up and down under Tenmabachi Bridge.  When it gets darker, the boats light up with various lights and or flames and then fireworks are shot off making this just an incredible festival.

Tenjin Festival: Wikipedia-ja

Kita-ku, Osaka Japan

Google Map

Website: Tenjin Festival Homepage

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