


Attractions > Kyoto > Shrines Temples > Kyoto East

About | Access | Hotels & Lodging | Hours & Fees

Two girls in Kimono at Kodaiji by Michael Day, CC BY 2.0
Two girls in Kimono at Kodaiji by Michael Day, CC BY 2.0



The Kodaiji temple was made in memory of Toyotomi Hideyoshi who has a great influence in Japanese history. Built in 1606, the temple was built in the Higashiyama District. This temple is a little off the normal tourist path so usually there are not so many people here and it it very beautiful. The building has a lavish style of the era of Japan's unification with the financial support of Hideyoshi's successor Tokugawa Ieyasu. It has rich decorated interiors and a zen garden perfect for contemplating and finding peace.

Kodaiji [Fg2|https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kodaiji-0111.jpg| Public Domain ]
Kodaiji in Kyoto [Qwert1234|https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kodaiji_Garden.JPG| Public Domain ]



Closest Train Station: Kyoto-Kawaramachi

526 Shimogawara-cho
Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto 605-0825 Japan

Tel: 075-561-9966

Walk: 30-40 min. walk from Kyoto-Kawaramachi.
Bus: From JR Kyoto Station or Kintetsu Kyoto Station, city bus 206 (Higashiyama direction) . Get off at Higashiyama Yasui and walk east 5 min.
Taxi: From JR Kyoto Station or Kintetsu Kyoto Station, 15 min.by taxi.

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Find a train route and times by Hyperdia & Jorudan

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Hotels & Lodging


View a full list of Hotels and Lodging in or nearby Kodai-ji.


Hours & Fees

Hours: The grounds of Shrines and Temples are generally open 27/7, 365 days a year but, many set their own hours. If hours are set, they are generally open from 9:00 a.m. or 10:00 a.m. in the morning and close around 4:30 p.m. or 5:00 p.m. in the evening.

Cost: The general grounds of Shrines and Temples are free but may charge a small fee (a couple/few hundred yen) for special gardens, exhibitions, artifact viewing, etc.

Information presented is based on the time it was created. There may be changes since publication. Please confirm information by visiting the Official Website before visiting.



Website: Kodai-ji Homepage

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Hakata Dontaku

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Thu. May. 2
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Hamamatsu Kite Battle near Hamamatsu, category - Festivals

Hamamatsu Kite Festival

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Thu. May. 2
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