


Attractions > Osaka > Area > Nanba

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Namba Bridge (Dotonbori) in Osaka, CC BY-SA 3.0
Namba Bridge (Dotonbori) in Osaka, CC BY-SA 3.0



Namba Osaka

"Nanba" (In English usually spelled "Namba" but actually should be spelled with an "n" as the correct pronunciation is Nanba, in Japanese なんば) is a large area around the Nanba Station(s) that has an abundance or restaurants, shopping centers and drinking spots. 4 train lines stop at Nanba, JR, Kintestu, Nankai and Hanshin, and 3 subway lines also. Nanba is considered to the the "Center" or "Main Area" of "South Osaka" but many Osakans believe it is actually the "City Center" of Osaka itself. The most famous imagery you see of Osaka is located in Nanba like the Doraku Crab and the Glico Man Neon Billboard. Nanba is the city that NEVER sleeps... it you feel like a fun day of shopping or a wild night of partying, head down to Nanba and a great time is to be had!

Namba Osaka



Closest Train Station: Nanba

Chuo-ku, Osaka 542-0076 Japan

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Find a train route and times by Hyperdia & Jorudan

Departure or Arrival time






Hotels & Lodging


View a full list of Hotels and Lodging in or nearby Nanba.


Hours & Fees

Hours: This is a Area, therefore each establishment has it's own hours but generally shops in Japan generally open from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. while restaurants are generally open until 9:00 p.m. or 10:00 p.m.

Cost: Each establishment's cost is different.

Information presented is based on the time it was created. There may be changes since publication. Please confirm information by contacting the attraction before visiting.

Upcoming Events in Japan

Hamamatsu Kite Battle near Hamamatsu, category - Festivals

Hamamatsu Kite Festival

in or near Hamamatsu

Wed. May. 1
Event is free
Hakata Dontaku near Fukuoka, category - Festivals

Hakata Dontaku

in or near Fukuoka

Thu. May. 2
Event is free
Hamamatsu Kite Battle near Hamamatsu, category - Festivals

Hamamatsu Kite Festival

in or near Hamamatsu

Thu. May. 2
Event is free

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